
Showing posts from November, 2019

November 18-24

This week was busy. Paul gave three presentations and has worked very hard in lab this week, trying to finish his project before Spring semester starts.  Saturday we went to the USU v Boise State game. It was the last home game of the season and of our time in Logan. We did end up leaving early because USU played lazily and it wasn't fun to watch. Overall, a very productive week. 

November 11-17

Monday was veterans day and I didn't have to go to work. I just did meal prep stuff to save time during the week while Paul went to school.  Other than that, the week has been busy with school and work. I tried the chicken pot pie recipe Brianna sent me and it was super yummy!  Paul and I tried the new pizza place in Logan this weekend. There was an hour wait so I put my name in when I got off work and then picked up Paul, so it didn't feel like a long wait. It was super yummy, Chicago style pizza. We also downloaded Disney+ and have rediscovered some fun movies like Swiss Family Robinson.  That's all from us. Love you all! 

November 4-10

What a fun week! We started the week out great with a grueling game of tennis between Dad, Andrew, Sierra, and me. I won't say who won, it doesn't matter.  Afterwards, Sierra and I got our nails done for the wedding. Then we went shopping with Mom, Brianna, and Lizzy. I helped mom find the perfect blouse to go with her skirt for the wedding. Everyone got some fun accessories for the wedding as well. Afterwards we got ready and went to the wedding dinner at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. They served chicken cordon bleu and yummy cheesecake. There were some fun stories told about Peter and Mykael. It was a lovely evening. Afterwards, Andrew, Sierra, Tate, Staci, Ben, Eliza, Paul and I went to see the movie JoJo Rabbit. It's a indi movie about WWII. Paul and I really liked it. Tuesday, everyone cleaned up and got ready for the temple. Brother Mangelson gave a great talk on how to have a successful marriage before sealing Peter and Mykael. The pictures afterwards wer

October 28 - November 3 2019

This week was fun! We celebrated Paul on Tuesday. Thursday was Halloween and I dressed up as a scarecrow for work. Everyone thought my costume was the coole st. I got a ton of compliments from my coworkers, people who came into court, and Paul. Friday I went straight to the temple from work to attend James' endowment. I made it just in time! Thanks for saving seats for us late-comers. And thanks for dinner at Red Iguana. Saturday Mom, Brianna, Lizzy, and I looked around at foothill village for moms wedding outfit, toys for the grandkids, and stuff for dinner on Sunday. We stopped by for lunch at honest eatery where Ben made us yummy food. Eliza and Caitlin joined us for lunch. Brianna and I went together to Mykael's bachelorette party at Eliza's house. Sierra threw it and it was super fun! We played games, had food, and won prizes. The decorations were super cute too. After the party I dropped Brianna off at the house and went to pick up Paul in North salt la

October 21- 27

This week was very busy. Paul and I both worked until 9 pm on Monday. Tuesday I drove to Layton until Friday for the Justice Court Clerk Conference. They paid for a hotel so I stayed in Layton for the whole conference. I learned a ton, so that was good, but it was hard to be away from Paul the whole week.  Friday we went out to dinner for Paul's birthday. Saturday we went to a corn maze with our friends, Aaron and Kassie. After that, we got hot chocolate and watched a scary movie. The perfect weekend before Halloween! That's it from us, love you guys!

October 4-20

This week was hard work for us. Saturday we had some fun for Fall break by going to the Logan pumpkin walk for the fourth year in a row! I had to work for a little bit but then we went to the theater and saw Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. It was scary. And fun!  Love you all!

October 7-13

It was fun being with family last week. I stole the white vases from Brianna's and Jacobs wedding that were in the storage room and added them to my fall decor. They look so cute! This week was good for Paul and I for school and work. Wednesday I went to the RS activity and we made wood signs. Paul helped me pick out this laundry idea before I went. I think it turned out pretty good! Thursday we went to this really nice dinner to say thank you to the people who donated scholarship money to the school. Paul was honored as a scholarship recipient.  They had a quartet playing and one of the violinists was listed on the program as Lauren Palfryman. I bet we are related!  Saturday we went to the temple and out to lunch before work. That night we decorated some small pumpkins for our doorstep. They turned out really cute! That was it for us. Love you guys!

September 30-October 6

This week was good. Paul's lab is going well. He finished five of the seven applications for grad school this week. Almost done! If we don't get anymore offers 😏 haha. He has applied to BYU, Baylor, Texas A&M, UT Southwestern, and Dartmouth. Just Georgia tech and MIT to go! We both worked all week. We took an early date night on Thursday for our yearly tradition of going to the USU Autumn voices choir concert. We both enjoyed it. Saturday I got some fun Halloween decorations to make our apt spooky 👻🕷️ Sunday we drove down to salt lake to watch conference with the family. We celebrated Eliza's birthday. She made a delicious cheesecake. Happy birthday to Nathanael and his new baby girl, Claire, this week as well. We're glad she's here safe and sound 💕 Love you all!

September 23-29

This week was great. I had my first full week with the cleaning service. My boss struggles to communicate but I didn't have to work with him much toward the end of the week. It's kind of therapeutic to listen to my book and just clean for a couple hours a night. So with both jobs I did not have a lot of free time. It was good to be busy. I did make time this week to register to vote for the first time! I am excited to be more involved.  Paul has been busy with school and work and in lab this week but is seeing good progress with his project. He is also getting close to finishing his applications for grad school.  Saturday it rained all day. After Paul and I were done working, we went to the homecoming football game for the third quarter. We left after that because we were soaked through and freezing. USU did end up winning though! So that's good.  Happy birthday to Eliza. We hope you all had a good week. Love you!

September 16-22

I just wanted to start by letting everyone know, who doesn't know already, that I post many family recipes online. If you don't have Charlotte's cook book near by or Mom isn't home to text you the recipe, I have provided four resources where you can hopefully find the recipe you are looking for. The picture below shows where to go to find these recipes on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and on my personal blog.  This week has been pretty good. I had a good second week working at the court house. It is only part time so I applied for another job in the evenings. I interviewed for a cleaning service that cleans offices Monday-Saturday for two hours each night. My interview was at 5:15 on Monday, so I showed up at 5:07. When the guy didn't come, I texted him at 5:20. He didn't respond until 5:30 and didn't show up until 5:50. I was quite annoyed. He basically gave me a promotion in the interview, asking me what times I could work in the evening and i

September 9-15

This week was busy. I worked at the cheese plant on Monday and waited for a call from the Justice Court to tell me when they wanted me to start. Turns out they wanted me to start that day so they told HR to tell me and they just said to expect a phone call. Anyways, I started working Tuesday. Paul and I just worked the rest of the week. Friday, Paul's parents drove up to Logan and took us and Paul's brother to dinner. Saturday, we went with them to the art museum on campus before Paul went to work. Sunday we had our friends, Aaron and Kassie, over for dinner and games.  Love you all! Sky Above, Earth Below A History of Western Landscape Photography September 14, 2019 - July 31, 2020 Marie Eccles Caine Gallery Sky Above, Earth Below  traces the development of western landscape photography from the late 19 th  century to the 21 st  century will start with early American photographers like Myra Albert Wiggins, Edward Curtis, and Karl Struss and conclude wi

September 2-8

Monday was labor day. Paul went into lab and I just ran errands. That night we went up the canyon and had a campfire dinner. Tuesday I went into the temp agency and found a job at a cheese packaging plant until I can get one of the jobs I applied for. I filled out all the paperwork and started that job Wednesday morning. I heard from Zions and US Bank and they both decided to hire someone else. I did get a call from the Logan Justice court and got scheduled for an interview on Friday.  Wednesday and Thursday were great, very tiring after carrying cheese boxes around for eight hours. After work Thursday, I applied for more jobs. Friday I had my interview at the Justice court. It went well. Then I took Paul to class and went to work to the cheese plant. After work I saw I got a missed call from Logan City HR so I called them back right away. I got the job as the court clerk! I don't know when I start yet. I got my drug test and background check done. They should call me Monday

August 26-September 1

Another week has flown by! My job search is still at large. I did not get hired for the teller position at Zions Bank and spent most of Monday and Tuesday applying for several jobs. US bank called me Tuesday to set up an interview for Friday.  I am too excited for Fall, I couldn't wait for September to roll around before I put up all our decorations on Thursday! Thanks Mom for all the Halloween additions! Friday I had the interview and it went well. The girl interviewing me told me her boss was supposed to do it but he was sick. She was really insecure about the interview and told me she would have her boss call me next week for another interview over the phone. I will find out this Friday if I get that job. I'm going to go into a temp agency this week and see if they have any work since I haven't really been hearing back and US Bank is taking a long time to get things moving.  Later, Paul and I went out for dinner before he had to go into work. His job is really rela

August 19-25

This week has been all business after vacation. Paul has been busy putting hours of study in for the GRE as well as getting trained and prepared for doing his research this year. I have been continuing the job search.  Monday, I heard back from the two jobs I applied for at Zions bank. I did a second questionnaire for them. Later, Paul's parents came up to Logan to drop off their son, Adam, for his freshman year at USU. He's the one that just got home from his mission in the Philippines. So we went to dinner and spent the evening with them. It was a lot of fun and a nice break for Paul.  Tuesday was more of the same. I passed the second assessment for Zions. I got a call to schedule an in person interview on Friday. We took Adam to run some errands then came home for more studying. Wednesday, I heard from a job at US Bank for a phone interview. I signed up for Friday which was the earliest. Paul was hard at work and I found some time to try Whitney's sweet milk bread

August 12-18

We started the week by finishing our trip in Montana. Monday we went on a beautiful hike to Morrell Falls. We hung out there for lunch, skipped rocks, and found some fish downstream! the rocks in this area are so beautiful! They are red, green, blue, purple, and yellow. They are all over Montana. There is so much natural beauty there. Later we went canoeing down a shallow river to Seeley Lake. We had a couple of races between canoes. We also saw a couple of beavers, eagles (one caught a fish in the lake!), and a bunch of turtles. On the way home we saw a baby bear running down a dirt road! That night we went out and had a campfire and made some s'mores. The moon was so bright. It was a beautiful night to end the trip. The next morning there was an elk and its baby as well as a deer hanging out behind the cabin. I am sure I have seen the most wildlife on this trip than on any other trip I've been on. We went by another lake on our way home and skipped some more rocks. We had

August 5-11

We are still in New York. Monday we went to Columbus Circle and the Southwest corner of Central Park. We then walked up and saw the Temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It is right across the street from Julliard and the Lincoln Center, so we went to see those too. After exploring that area, we made our way over to High-Line Park, which is an old railway that has been up-cycled into a park that walks through that area. It was very beautiful. We went out for pizza in Brooklyn for lunch. After pizza we walked down to the pier and looked at Manhattan from the other side of the island. We then made our way back to Midtown to see some skyscrapers we had missed. We saw the Flatiron (the first skyscraper in NYC), the Empire State Building (up close this time), and then we explored the NY Public Library where they have the original Winnie-the-Pooh! After that we went to Madison Square Garden, which is the arena that the NBA teams play in when they come to NY, because